Wednesday, April 23, 2008


With the beautiful weather comes the spring colds and yard work. While we can do without the colds--now Roger has it and the girls are getting over theirs, the yard work is fun and it is great to be in the sun. We already feel lighter on our feet. :-)

Kath is awed by the wind in her hair; the experience of crawling in the grass; the feel of the sand in her toes from the sandbox; and climbing into the firetruck, pushing with her feet and beeping the horn. She is also aware of the birds at the bird feeder and enjoys feeding them. She is a loving girl who has learned to 'give kisses.' She clicks her tongue and purses her lips against my cheek when I ask for a kiss. It is charming. She is also climbing into my lap when she wants a hug or a seat. She took three steps the other day but has not yet shown dada, so it doesn't count (according to Rog). :-) When I try to get her to reenact her steps, she promptly collapses her legs and will not repeat it! She is saying 'ma-ma' regularly. And she has begun to chatter more, which is wonderful since she is usually a quiet child.

Alex has been sick and sniffly but still is amazing. Today when we went for a walk she saw a part of the road was torn up. She said, "Your road is falling apart, momma!" I told her she should fix it. She said, "I can't. I didn't grow up yet." She turns 4 Sunday and we have had to coax her into being excited about it--"But 3 is my favorite number. I don't like 4!" I told her that 4 is pretty cool and has its advantages too and that I was pretty sure that once she was 4 , that would be her new favorite number. She said she would have to see about that.

We met with our friend Doris who does healing touch. Kath either reacted very strongly to the touch or to the stranger concept, she practically jumped out of my arms and crawled into the house from the deck. However, Doris worked (probably overworked herself!!) on Alex, Rog and I. Speaking for myself I am amazed at the experience. I could FEEL what was going on. I felt better from my cold, from my achy back, from my stress with just the time she spent on me--and I had Kath and Alex crawling all over me while she did it! It is definately something I will continue to explore for Kath and for the whole family.

As for the writing front. I have actually been doing more of it. Yeah for me. Those who are reading for the kids' updates, feel free to zone out, this part is actually the reason I began the blog . . . but also why I hardly get to the writing part! :-)
I have posted 2 chapters on the forum, received feedback, done some crits on another's work and reworked the first chapter. The reworked piece has actually received compliments from one of the forum's published authors who critted the original piece too. It definately helped me want to find the time to write more and keep plugging away at my story. Ah, successful feelings with the girls and with writing, life is good. Now about those pesky students with spring fever. . . .:-)

Hope everyone is doing well.
Love and peace and happy Earth Day and Day of Silence,

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