Thursday, November 6, 2008

God doesn't give you . . .

If I hear that one more time . . . .

The kids are doing great. The boys came home to vote (which sounds much easier than it entailed . . .). The girls both have therapies going now so that we are going 6 out of 7 days a week. Alex gets speech therapy now 2x a week. So Monday is OT and special ed for Kath. Tuesday is Alex's speech and Kath's PT. Wed is Kath's speech and once a month the teacher for the visually impaired. Thursday is Kath's PT. Friday is Alex's speech. Sat is Alex's dance (not a therapy) and Kath's hippotherapy.

Grades are due this week so we are both working hard to get it all done.

On the first day/night of snow Roger slid off the road while doing his papers. He called me at 5:30AM to ask me to call AAA. I had let it lapse. So, at 5:30 I was trying to transfer money and have AAA accept payment and send a truck. While I was doing all that the owner of the home he was in front of(one of his customers) came out and called his son-in-law down the street and at the same time a snowplow drove by and all of them got the car out. He has a little car body damage but that was it, he is fine. But a couple of days later we noticed he was leaking oil (might have been from before) and while he was doing the route the exhaust made a racket, so we put the car in the shop this week. The exhaust was an easy fix. But of course the oil issue is massive and will cost close to $1,000. Sigh. Because of this crazy economy a couple--yes more than one-a person and a place (a program Roger work with this summer) owes us money. My district cut the literary magazine I advise-- even though I have more students involved than ever before, that means a cut in my year end pay. So, it seems we are considering me going back to work full-time in September and putting both girls in school. Alex in public kindergarten program and Kath in a special school. Homeschooling ideas are not going to work. We just need to tread water until next Sept. Alex will be checking out a preschool program tomorrow. I want her to be eased into the schooling mode of life. :-) If she (and I)likes it she will go 3 days a week and one of Kath's therapist is trying to move her schedule around to accomodate us.

We think we must have killed someone pretty important in a previous life, since we no sooner feel we are coming out from under and we are walloped. Push that rock up the hill, get run over by rock, regroup, fetch rock, push rock up the hill and repeat countless times.

On a slightly different note, we were able to borrow special glasses from Kath's teacher for the visually impaired. With these goggles we were able to see how Kath MIGHT be seeing. The goggles showed a deficit in her span of vision. For example, she may not be able to see to the full right and to the full left and a spot in the middle may be missing as well. This helps one to understand how difficult walking and scanning the room may be--there isn't a continuous picture of an object--it is interupted. It breaks my heart to think this maybe how she sees. Reading will be quite the chore, and I imagine that driving will be out of the question, when she gets older. We had each of her therapists try them on so they could all see how she MAY be seeing. It amazed them all that although it is highly likely this is all she sees, that she does as well as she does.

I will send this now because I have held it in draft since 11/6 and today is 11/13. Tomorrow is Kath's birthday and I want something positive. :-) Good night.

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